Interested in investing in the San Antonio market?
San Antonio is the 7th largest city in the United States. In 2018, it was the fastest growing city among those in the Top 10. The San Antonio real estate market is seeing property valuations skyrocket because of the challenge of meeting the demand of growth. With the city population growing approximately 2% each year, all trends are pointing skyward. Home prices in San Antonio are expected to rise by 3.3% in 2020.
If you are interested in investing in a strong market, please contact us for available opportunities.
Available Investment Properties:

211 Routt St.
San Antonio, TX 78209
This is a stabilized, high performing property in a growing market with a current NOI (2018) of $71,951 at an actual ____% cap. All units were fully remodeled in 2017 with durable, low-maintenance materials. The average rent at this property is approximately $1.58/sqft. Tenants are offered covered private parking as well as access to an on-site laundry room. This property also falls within the boundaries of Alamo Heights ISD, the #1 public school district in the city (according to Niche.com) and one of the top public school districts in the state.
1-Bedroom Units
2-Bedroom Units
Total Area
7,504 sqft
Listing Price
Call for Pricing